Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Baby Prep Notebooking

So much prep work goes into getting ready for this moment and the days/weeks/months after!

There’s a lot to keep track of when you’re pregnant or have a newborn baby.  Here’s some advice I took and ran away with from my big sis:  Get a notebook.  LB would hold it up and say, “This is my brain.  If I don’t write it down, it never happened.”  I like a thick spiral notebook with big pockets.  You can use sticky notes to make tabs to find your entries.  Here are some of the entries in my notebook:

  1. Usernames and Passwords (Insurance, Registries, etc.)
  2.  Baby Moon Planning
  3.  Things to Buy for Post Delivery Mama
  4.  Bible Verses for Nursery, Announcements, L and D
  5.  Nursery Décor To-do
  6. Questions to ask the Pediatricians
  7.  Pediatrician Interviews
  8. Questions to ask at Hospital Tour
  9. Hospital Info
  10. Labor and Delivery Class Notes
  11.  Introducing Pets to Baby Class Notes
  12. Caring for your Baby Class Notes
  13. OB Visits: Weight, Blood Pressure, Questions
  14. Gestational Diabetes Info
  15. Meals and Blood Sugar Record
  16. Ordering Breast Pump Through Insurance
  17.  Ideas to Induce My Own Labor
  18. Record of Gifts and Thank You Notes
  19. Hospital Packing List – Labor and Delivery Bag
  20. Hospital Packing List – Mother and Infant Unit Bag
  21. Induction Questions for OB
Here is my Baby Prep Notebook... Can anything be more exciting than some bright colored pens, little Post-its, and a big fat notebook with manila pockets?

What went in the pockets:

  1. Hand-outs from doctors and classes
  2. Prescription slips
  3. Records of Diaper Changes and Feedings
  4.  Pediatrician Paperwork
  5. Photos and Ultrasound Pics
  6. Appointment cards
  7. Copy of birth plan
One thing that I will add to my next notebook is a page on controlling anxiety before and after baby arrives.  Having my plans written down helped me keep the little sanity I had left, though!  Plus, when it’s time for baby #2, I will be able to look back and remember what to do!

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