Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How to Grocery Shop

Baby-wearing makes shopping so much easier, and it's less likely that strangers are going to poke your baby in this set-up!
It’s hard to figure out how to shop with your newborn baby!  Never fear!  Once you get the hang of it, it will become second nature.  Here are my tips for making your grocery shopping trips a bit easier!
·         If possible, take another adult with you the first couple of times so you can get the hang of it.
·         A lot of moms are afraid to go out at first because germy people are constantly reaching to touch the little papoose.  I could never muster the chutzpah to tell people, “Don’t touch,” but what I could do if needed was ask people to touch her feet.  “Oh, you can touch her feet if you’d like! You know babies, always putting their hands in their mouths!”
·         Use a grocery list app so you can always be adding things to your list and you don’t have to worry about losing a piece of paper.  Plus, you can easily meal plan during a midnight feeding on your phone!
·         Choose a wise time to go out, like 30 minutes after a morning feeding.  You don’t want baby to be hungry during or right after the trip.  You need time to put the groceries away.
·         Pee before you leave.  Nobody wants to pee their pants in public!
·         Leave the diaper bag in the car.  You can run out with baby and grab it if you really need it.  Take only wallet, phone, and keys. (And if you have a spitter, tuck a burp cloth in, too!)  Or you can slide the minimum (diaper and wipes) into your purse if the weather is bad.
·         When baby is old enough to need toys, bring 2 plastic toys that can be thrown in the dishwasher when you get home.
·         Park next to the cart return in case you have to load up your own groceries.
·         Know what you need and be decisive. There’s no telling how long you actually have before your LO loses it.
·         If baby is awake, use the opportunity to chat with the cutie!  I explain the different items we’re getting, what they are, what we’re doing next, etc.
·         Here are some options for how to tote baby:
·         Large shopping trip:
o   Baby in car seat, in main basket of cart.  (Not on top of cart seat! I’ve seen one tip over!)  Put a big sturdy bag (like a 31 bag) under the cart and toss items in bag and around car seat.  You can even have the bagger reload them into the big bag!
o   Wear baby.  Use whole cart!  With an older outward-facing baby, go to the floral department and get a balloon.  Clip to the front of your cart to entertain baby!
o   Baby in stroller with a family member/friend pushing stroller while you push the cart.
·         Small shopping trip:
o   Baby in stroller.  Toss items under stroller.  Perk – no cart to return!
·         If the clerk offers a carry-out, always say yes.  Ask for one if they don’t!
·         When I get back to the car, I snap her into the car seat first so she's secure.  Don’t start your car if you’re not in the driver’s seat. You’ll be too distracted with groceries and baby, risking someone getting in and driving off.
·         It can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to arrange baby, stroller, diaper bag, groceries, etc. into the car.  Remember that nothing really matters except the safety of you and baby.  Turn your back on your groceries, phone, and wallet before you turn your back on your baby.  (That’s why it’s so much easier to opt for the carry-out!  By the time I have baby all situated, the groceries are in and the cart is put away!)
·         When you get home, take baby inside first and set down in a safe location.  If you’re in luck, Pookie will be asleep, giving you time to use the bathroom and put groceries away before the next diaper change/feeding!

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